Sunday, November 4, 2007

Working Together

For too long "islands" have existed in church. What I mean by islands is this...each area acts as if it is all alone. This way of thinking leads to segregated activity. Each area monitors itself, maintains itself, and never truly shares information or resources. It helps foster the idea that the people they minister to are "theirs".

Instead we should be taking the opportunity to not allow "islands" to exist in the church. This way we will embrace the idea of an Integrated Strategy. Each area still works with a focus, but they learn to "play together". Resources, ideas, and goals are shared. Those that are being ministered to are now seen as "ours". It seems simple, yet churches all across America (and the world) operate with the "island" mentality.

In the coming weeks and months, First West will begin implementing an integrated will look different, it will require change, but it will be worth it!

Helping parents disciple kids!

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